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07/11/2018 / By Jessica Dolores
Taking tinned fish more often may lower the risk of having multiple sclerosis, according to a case-control study published in the Journal of Nutrition & Intermediary Metabolism. In the study, the researchers suggested having at least 30 g/day, or two servings a week, to achieve this effect.
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a disease that affects the central nervous system, subsequently damaging the brain, the spinal cord, and optic nerves. People who suffer from MS show a variety of symptoms, including numbness and tingling in mild cases and paralysis and loss of vision when the disease reaches the advanced stage. Unlike other diseases, a cure has yet to be found. Its symptoms can be relieved, however, allowing the patient to cope with the problem. (Related: Multiple Sclerosis Caused by Vitamin D Deficiency.)
The key lies in consuming fish on a regular basis. In the study, scientists gathered dietary data through a Cancer Council Victoria food frequency questionnaire, which they distributed from 2003 to 2006. They then concluded that oily fish rich in vitamin D and omega 3, may benefit people with multiple sclerosis.
Prevention, of course, is better than cure. You can help your body keep MS at bay through a healthy lifestyle. Here’s how:
It also pays to go natural. It’s less costly, and it has no side effects. Here’s how:
Consider other therapies as well: Acupuncture, oxygen therapy, chiropractic procedures, the use of essential oils, reflexology and pressure point messaging help fast-track healing when the patient takes the right diet.
Multiple sclerosis – or any disease – should not rob you of the will to live and the joy of living. The remedy may just be on your kitchen table. All you have to do is load up on the bounties of the sea and watch your health.
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Tagged Under: fish, food as medicine, food cures, MS, multiple sclerosis, natural cures, natural medicine, natural remedies, omega 3, omega 3 fatty acid, tinned fish
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