vitamin A
By Lance D Johnson
Pumpkins can help alleviate vitamin A deficiency and prevent severe disease outcomes for measles
One of the oldest cultivated crops in North America is the pumpkin fruit. These iconic autumn globes belong to the gourd family (Cucurbitaceae), right along with the watermelon, cantaloupe, honeydew melon, zucchini and cucumber. Native tribes have been growing pumpkins for food and medicine since at least 5,000 B.C. The oldest domesticated pumpkins were discovered […]
By Lance D Johnson
Fenbendazole anti-parasite medication, when combined with vitamins, halts cancer tumor growth in mice
An increase in vitamin uptake can improve the effectiveness of medications and provide additional medicinal properties such as anti-tumor effects. An anti-parasitic medication named fenbendazole displayed powerful anti-tumor properties, but only when it was combined with a vitamin protocol, including vitamins B, D, K, E and A. This research provides important insight into immunotherapy, and […]
By Janine Acero
Eat your veggies and prevent infections with vitamin A when SHTF
A post-SHTF world won’t have the conveniences and luxuries that modern society is enjoying. When the dust settles and you try to get your bearings, diseases will be a major threat to you. Hence, it is important to prepare your body to build resistance to infections and diseases. (h/t to Avoiding illnesses before SHTF In a […]
By Evangelyn Rodriguez
Study: Vitamin A intake may help lower skin cancer risk
The vitamin A family consists of a group of fat-soluble nutrients commonly referred to as retinoic acids. These include retinoids such as retinol, a common ingredient in skincare products, retinal, a molecule necessary for vision and retinyl esters, the storage form of retinol. Well-known for their ability to improve vision, these compounds are also involved […]
By Lance D Johanson
Nutrient deficiencies on the rise: Vitamin A levels take a nosedive over the last decade, causing the rise of infectious diseases such as measles
Even though developed nations boast of great technology, infrastructure, economy, and advanced medical care, they still suffer from ballooning rates of obesity, chronic disease, cardiovascular issues, metabolic disorders, and cancer. Infectious diseases still run rampant in developed nations, despite advances in plumbing and sanitation. The breakdown of developed nations is a slow and painful process, […]
By Zoey Sky
Natural remedies for acne
Whether you’re 13 or 30, acne can be an annoying skin condition to deal with and affect your self-confidence. To address acne, follow a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals, like vitamin A and zinc. Acne: A skin condition that affects teens and adults Acne is an inflammatory skin condition that causes the appearance of […]
By Zoey Sky
13 Nutritious fruits that can help relieve constipation
A person with constipation has difficulty emptying their bowels and the condition may cause pain and discomfort. To relieve constipation, drink lots of water and eat fiber-rich fruits like apples and pears. The signs and symptoms of constipation If you have constipation, you suffer from irregular and tough bowel movements, which can cause lower abdominal discomfort. […]
By Zoey Sky
Essential to your overall health and well-being, you can find vitamin A in these foods
The human body needs vitamin A to maintain overall health. But since your body is unable to produce the vitamin on its own, you need to follow a nutritious diet full of vitamin A-rich foods to prevent deficiency. Vitamin A: An essential nutrient that boosts eye health Vitamin A offers the following benefits for certain […]
By Edsel Cook
Is it safe to take antibiotics and vitamins together?
While certain antibiotics and vitamins clash with potentially deadly results, other combinations can increase the effectiveness against diseases and infections. (h/t to Vitamin A supports doxycycline and streptomycin against brucellosis Brucellosis is a zoonotic disease that originates in livestock. It can jump from animals to humans and spread across human populations at epidemic speeds. Biological warfare experts […]
By Zoey Sky
Boost your immune system with these 5 natural remedies
If you’re sick of having a cough or the flu, consume more fresh fruits and vegetables. Following a healthy diet and taking vitamin supplements can significantly boost your immunity and overall health. Rick Hay, the nutritional director of Healthista, shares five natural ways to boost your immune system. Eat colorful foods Brightly-colored foods like beetroot, berries, […]
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