survival medicine
By RJ Jhonson
Your SHTF medicinal herb kit should contain yarrow
Should SHTF, you may experience a much greater risk for physical injuries. This could be complicated by the possible lack of operational medical treatment facilities or medical supplies. You may, therefore, need to depend on nature’s boons to keep yourself safe from harm. Among the herbs you need for your emergency first aid kit, yarrow […]
By Rhonda Johansson
8 Medicinal uses of mullein that can help you in a survival situation
Mullein is a backyard weed that was used by native Americans for their medicinal properties. This fascinating plant is known by multiple names such as “Jupiter’s staff,” “Aaron’s rod,” “Jacob’s staff,” and “Flannel leaf.” Though botanists describe mullein as invasive and terribly difficult to eradicate, the weed can be used by preppers during emergency situations. […]
By Zoey Sky
Survival medicine: Are you familiar with the medicinal uses of honey?
Aside from being a natural sweetener, preppers know that raw honey has several medicinal uses that can be helpful in a pinch. Check them out below, and don’t forget to include some honey in your supplies. (h/t to Honey possesses medicinal properties because it is full of sugar with little to no water content. In […]
By Janine Acero
Treating a burn at home, naturally
Burns are generally easy to treat – if you’re dealing with a mild or moderate type. Medical attention isn’t always readily available, so home remedies are the next best thing. And one of the most common home remedies is essential oil. Many people choose certain essential oils to relieve pain and inflammation caused by burns. Keep in […]
By Tracey Watson
Antibiotics in the wild: Usnea, a lichen that grows all around the globe, has been used as effective natural medicine for centuries
You have likely walked past it dozens of times during walks in wooded areas, without ever realizing that you were passing one of nature’s most miraculous healers. Usnea (pronounced yew-snee-a), or Old Man’s Beard, as it is known to many, is a type of lichen that can be found on trees that grow in high […]
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