By Ellaine Castillo
Recent research documents the usefulness of Japanese ginger in preventing Type 2 diabetes
When it comes to diseases, it is always better to prevent something rather than treat it once it’s already there. This is why researchers from Framingham State University and Hannam University were looking at the potential of Japanese ginger (Zingiber mioga) to prevent Type 2 diabetes from developing in patients diagnosed with prediabetes. In their study, which was […]
By Ralph Flores
Reduce the effects of a high-fat diet with agrimony
Research has shown that the agrimony (Agrimonia pilosa), a flowering plant endemic to East Asia, can be used to treat obesity-related insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome brought about a high-fat diet. In the study, published in BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, South Korea’s Rural Development Administration, together with researchers from Seoul Women’s University, looked at whether agrimony can be […]
By Rhonda Johansson
Are you pre-diabetic? Study finds multivitamins, omega-3s are a “safe, economical, and effective means” of lowering diabetes risk
Contrary to popular belief, being pre-diabetic does not doom you to becoming diabetic. New studies are now proving the powerful effects of diet and lifestyle in the prevention and treatment of all diabetic conditions. Just recently, scientists and nutritionists have found evidence that suggest supplementing with multivitamins and omega-3 fatty acids is strong enough to […]
By Michelle Simmons
Powerful naturopathic solutions for diabetes
Diabetes is increasingly becoming rampant today. This is especially seen in the U.S. where more than 30 million people currently have the disease, and more than 1.7 million new cases diagnosed every year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Moreover, 84 million people aged 20 and older have prediabetes. If you […]
By RJ Jhonson
Eating dinner in the mid-afternoon then fasting lowers blood pressure and boosts metabolism
It’s not just what you eat, but when you eat that matters. This is what researchers from the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) concluded when they found that fasting can cause significant improvements in a person’s blood sugar control, blood pressure and oxidative stress levels. Intermittent fasting is hot, but it is far from […]
By Isabelle Z.
Turmeric is an ideal drug alternative for treating Type 2 diabetes – research journal
If you’re diabetic, you’ve probably had it hammered into your head already that you need to eat a low-glycemic diet and exercise regularly, but there is one very powerful tool that can help you in this fight that doesn’t get nearly as much attention: turmeric. This root, which comes from the same plant family as […]
By Isabelle Z.
Treat and even prevent diabetes with ginger: Study finds it improves several markers of the disease
Are you doing everything you can to avoid diabetes or control it if you already have it? It’s a frightening illness that can severely impact a person’s quality of life and even lead to death, so it’s only natural that people who are concerned about their health take steps to reduce their risk. Perhaps you’re […]
By Isabelle Z.
Study finds people with type 2 diabetes and obesity have lower vitamin C levels
A recent study out of New Zealand has found an inverse relationship between the levels of vitamin C in a person’s blood and their BMI and fasting glucose. Diabetes is considered one of the biggest health emergencies facing the world today, with more than 415 million people on the planet aged 20 to 70 believed […]
By Jonathan Landsman
How to naturally master your diabetes
Diabetes has now reached epidemic proportions in the United States. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that over 30 million people across the nation currently have the disease, with over 1.7 million new cases diagnosed yearly. Plus, an astounding 86 million people aged 20 and over have prediabetes – blood […]
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