monosodium glutamate
By Ralph Flores
Daisies found to protect the brain against neurotoxicity caused by MSG
Researchers in Africa have discovered that a plant belonging to the daisy family can inhibit monosodium glutamate-induced toxicity in the brain and the nervous system. The results of their study, which appeared in the African Journal of Traditional, Complementary, and Alternative Medicines (ATHMSI), detailed the antioxidant properties of Dichrocephala integrifolia, a member of the Asteraceae plant family […]
By Zoey Sky
Lose weight and prevent diabetes with folk medicine from Mexico: Yellow oleander seeds found to reduce obesity and prevent insulin resistance
Obesity is a serious health concern that affects more than an individual’s weight. Obese individuals have higher than normal levels of adipose tissue, which manifests in Body Weight (BW) gain. A person’s height and weight is “used to determine the degree of obesity.” To address the issue of obesity, “a multifactorial disease” that has significantly […]
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