healthy diet
By Ellaine Castillo
Here’s another reason to eat more fermented foods: They are excellent probiotics
Researchers found that certain fermented foods from Malaysia contained Lactobacillus strains which could be promising probiotic candidates. The study, published in CyTA – Journal of Food, evaluated Lactobacillus strains based on important properties of probiotics. This included tolerance to low pH, bile salts, antibiotic susceptibility, and cell surface properties. Probiotics are live bacteria that provide multiple health benefits — when […]
By Ellaine Castillo
Nutritional psychiatry: Eat these foods to reduce depression
Results of a recent study show that changing your diet can significantly change your mood. This link between mood and diet falls under an emerging field of study referred to as nutritional psychiatry. The study, which was published in BMC Medicine, included 67 participants who all suffered moderate to severe depression. Each participant was given seven nutritional counseling […]
By Ellaine Castillo
A healthy, organic diet lowers your risk of cancer by a whopping 65%
A lot of people believe that having a healthy organic diet helps lower the risk of certain diseases. A recent study helped prove that claim, establishing that a healthy diet can lower the risk of cancer by as much as 65 percent. For lead author Dr. Ashish Deshmukh of the University of Florida, the findings of the study […]
By Bridgette Wilcox
Keep your arteries ecstatic by eating these 12 foods every day
As common as heart disease is, there are many ways to prevent it — and perhaps the best (and most delicious) place to start is by cleaning up your diet. Supercharging your diet with fiber-rich food filled with healthy fats will allow you to eat your way to a healthy heart and clear arteries. Don’t […]
By Frances Bloomfield
Reduce your risk of heart disease by loading up on bananas and avocados
When it comes to heart health, a person’s diet plays a crucial role. Eating a good amount of heart-healthy foods like tuna, nuts, berries, and oatmeal is known to keep the heart in tip-top shape. But there are two other foods that also do a good job of protecting the heart: bananas and avocados. Both […]
By Zoey Sky
From vitamin C therapy to acupuncture: Natural ways to prevent and ease shingles
Even though at least one in three people will develop shingles, or herpes zoster, in their lifetime, there are only a handful of effective remedies for the viral disease. A person develops shingles when latent varicella-zoster/chickenpox virus reactivates along the sensory nerves in the skin. The symptoms of shingles include painful blisters that last for about two to […]
By Ralph Flores
The health benefits of eating pecans
Pecans are so much more than the main ingredient for pecan pie. For one, they are packed with essential nutrients that help protect us against cardiovascular disease (CVD). Referred to as Carya illinoinensis in scientific literature, pecans are a member of the Juglandaceae family, which makes it a relative of the hickory and the walnut. […]
By Carol Anderson
Eating breakfast regularly can help you stay slim
You’ve probably heard this phrase one too many times – how breakfast is “the most important meal of the day.” There’s some truth to the phrase, however, as researchers found that people who regularly eat breakfast are less likely to gain unwanted weight and have reduced risk of developing dangerous belly fat. Results from a study involving […]
By Ralph Flores
Need another reason to start the Mediterranean diet? It helps lower your blood pressure
There’s much to be said about the health benefits of the Mediterranean diet, and one study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition adds one more: Older adults who followed the Mediterranean diet for half a year exhibited considerable improvement in their systolic blood pressure and endothelial function – two factors that are greatly linked […]
By Janine Acero
Also known as “rocket salad,” arugula’s health benefits are like a cross between cruciferous vegetable and leafy green
If you’re on the road to a healthy lifestyle, a diet rich in nutrient-filled veggies is, for sure, part of your regimen. Many vegetables possess numerous health benefits, but some of the healthiest kinds are the leafy greens. One such veggie is a cousin of the cauliflower, radish, and kale. The arugula (Eruca sativa, Brassicaceae) is a […]
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