By Ethan Huff
YouTube declares war on natural medicine, begins banning channels that promote botanical healing that might hurt the profits of Big Pharma
The censorship brigade over at YouTube is at it again, this time with a mass purge of all channels and content that dare to suggest that natural botanicals might contribute to human wellness and healing. As our own Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, recently reported, YouTube has officially shut down the Natural News YouTube channel […]
By Ethan Huff
YouTube says natural medicine CBD videos are dangerous to society just like bomb-making videos
In an almost unprecedented move against free speech and the free flow of information, video content giant YouTube has officially shuttered the Natural News channel over a short video, not even one minute long, that explains how CBD oil from the cannabis plant helped a middle-aged woman overcome terminal cancer. The 43-second clip, which features […]
By Lance D Johnson
YouTube jumps in with Big Pharma, banning video channels that dare discuss natural cannabis medicine
The Natural News YouTube channel has been taken down – this time because we dared to discuss natural cannabis medicine. YouTube has devolved into a tool of censorship, and Big Pharma is taking advantage of it, banning video channels that discuss natural medicine. YouTube is specifically targeting a video on the healing potential of cannabis oil, which is liberating […]
By Isabelle Z.
YouTube goes to war with natural medicine as tech giant starts BANNING video channels for talking about herbal remedies
Naturopathy often gets ignored by doctors and the mainstream media, but people can learn about natural medicine thanks to independent news sites like Natural News. One place you won’t be able to hear about people’s successes with alternative treatments, however, is the increasingly corrupt YouTube, which has now taken to banning video channels that dare […]
By Russel Davis
Mainstream media now attacking vegan documentary “What the Health” because it tells the truth about processed meat and disease
A new documentary called What the Health was critically panned by health experts and the mainstream media for its allegedly misleading claims on the harmful effects of animal food products and the purported benefits of going vegan all the way. The show’s website highlighted the topics of dispute, which were timed in order of their discussion. According to […]
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