News & Articles By Jessica Dolores
By Jessica Dolores
Heart failure patients require restorative rest; treating sleep disorders provides cardiovascular benefits
In this age of stressful living, rest is like life-giving oxygen that recharges us and makes us ready to face all of the day’s challenges. Rest promotes brain function. It keeps us in the pink of health. It lowers stress and promotes sleep. Nowhere is this more important than in heart failure patients suffering from […]
By Jessica Dolores
Our desire to live a long, healthy life is what motivates us to buy bottled water, according to study
Death is the great equalizer – it knows no age, financial status, race, or political color. It’s also a very effective means to drive up sales, especially for bottled water, according to researchers from the University of Waterloo. The findings of the study, published in the journal Applied Environmental Education & Communication, revealed that pro-bottled water advertisements have […]
By Jessica Dolores
Breastfeed babies longer to reduce risk of high blood pressure later
There’s much to be said about the benefits of breastfeeding, even after a woman has raised her children up to the point where they don’t need mother’s milk any longer. A new study published in the American Journal of Hypertension shows that the more women breastfeed their children, the more they’re shielded from the ill effects of hypertension after […]
By Jessica Dolores
Known for its use in folk medicine for treating diabetes, bitter melon is also popular to eat in Asia
Diabetes is no joke. It can damage nerves, cause glaucoma and cataracts, hypertension, kidney disease, stroke and other diseases that could cost your life. Science has come up with a whole range of medicines to fight diabetes, and kidney transplants have become a common solution for diabetic sufferers. But why spend a small fortune on […]
By Jessica Dolores
Mindfulness, meditation and other stress-relieving exercises may reduce risk of seizures
Prevention, as they say, is still the best cure. Brain disorders like epilepsy can strike anytime, anywhere. Its consequences, like loss of consciousness, hamper our relationships, our work and normal activities. Most of all, epilepsy threatens patients’ safety. That’s why it pays to be prepared. One of the best ways to do this is through […]
By Jessica Dolores
Amino acid found to improve birth outcomes for women with malaria during pregnancy
Pregnancy is a crucial part of a woman’s life. It’s the stage where she nurture a new life whose every breath depends on her. Lucky is the woman who breezes through the nine months of her pregnancy and can look forward to a safe delivery and a healthy baby. Others, however, catch diseases which can […]
By Jessica Dolores
Use spices to reduce risk of food poisoning: Rosemary and cloves found to be effective against microbial growth
Your head is spinning. Your mouth is watery and there’s blood in your stool. You can’t stand the pain in your stomach and you’re shaking from fever. You wonder what happened – until you remember eating the leftover food that’s been sitting on the kitchen table for hours on end. You rush to the doctor […]
By Jessica Dolores
One more reason to breastfeed: Microbes in human milk inhibit the growth of E. coli
Now, you can add protection from diarrhea and E. coli to the growing list of reasons why mothers should breastfeed their babies. In a study published in the Journal of Nutrition & Intermediary Metabolism, authors revealed that a mother’s milk prevents the growth of pathogenic Escherichia coli and boost immunity. Researchers from the University of Notre Dame Australia and the University of Western […]
By Jessica Dolores
Consuming oily fish reduces the risk and symptoms of MS
Taking tinned fish more often may lower the risk of having multiple sclerosis, according to a case-control study published in the Journal of Nutrition & Intermediary Metabolism. In the study, the researchers suggested having at least 30 g/day, or two servings a week, to achieve this effect. Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a disease that affects the central […]
By Jessica Dolores
Ease anxiety with meditation and essential oils
One of the negative effects of living in today’s high-paced world is an elevated level of anxiety. With the pressures brought about by work, studies, or even home, most people always live in constant worry, with some even turning to drugs for relief – with seriously detrimental effects. The results of a study by researchers […]
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